Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Dirty 30

I turned 30 yesterday.

Yep. 3-oh.

It really didn't strike me hardcore until about halfway through the day, as I stood in the shower shampooing before the big birthday bash at the fantastic Alchemy eatery with 19 close friends and family. Standing there beneath a massage showerhead in a marble n' stone shower at the posh Porta Vista hotel, working fru-fru coconut lime verbana shampoo into my short dead locks, I was forced to look back on the past 30 years (or, at least, what I can actually remember, which is more than I would expect) and force myself to...well...chill.

Funny thing is how, when you look back, you begin to realize how things, in many cases, simply fall into place when you need them to. Life helps you out. And, gosh darn it, it really has "helped" me out a lot. Many prayers were answered, at times in unexpected ways.

What have I done in the past 30 years? What do I have to be thankful for at this time in my life?

~I became a published novelist.
~I scored a tattoo apprenticeship, an almost impossible feat in Southern California, with a teacher who is a great friend as well as mistress.
~My art appeared in national publications, galleries, and public exhibitions, including the world famous CowParade.
~I have spent the last 12+ years with a beautiful man who is my best friend, lover, and partner in crime and I can look forward to things just getting better and better.

Am I rich? Not by a long shot.

Are things looking up? You bet they are.

Just check out one of the best birthday gifts I got: Psyche's Gate just received a great review from Joyfully Reviewed dot com--read a condensed review excerpt below:

"Long ago, warrior angel Alexius was banished from heaven and brutally stripped of his wings. Now he has a chance at redemption. He must stop a powerfully talented human artist from being used by a demon to create something that can bring forth the most deadly of evils. However, after seeing Psyche, the woman whose life he cannot spare, Alexius knows he cannot go through with his task. Instead, he will do all in his power to protect Psyche from harm. But a romance between angel and human is forbidden and their actions will impact not only their own destiny, but the fate of all of creation.

Enter the world of angels, demons, and art in the evocative Psyche’s Gate. Danielle D. Smith has penned a fantastically vivid tale of good, evil, and everything in between. I admit, I found Psyche’s Gate to be a fascinating read. It’s interesting, frequently dark, and each character is developed with great care...I absolutely loved Alexius...I admire how Ms. Smith brought the world of Psyche’s Gate to life in such great detail and look forward to reading more of her work."

*Does happy dance*

So, on the day after my "Dirty 30", my thanks go out to my friends, my family, my husband...thank you for all of your love, your support, and your belief in this little girl saying (like the Little Engine That Could): "I think I can!"


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